Men’s Health Week: 13–19 June 2022
Men’s Health week is an important opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health, and to promote and support the health and well-being of men and boys in our communities.
This year’s theme, Building Healthy Environments for Men and Boys, focuses on creating physically, mentally and emotionally healthy environments in the home, workplace and in social settings.
- Men are more likely to die from heart disease at earlier ages.
- Men are at a significantly higher risk of dying from liver disease.
- 80% of spinal cord injuries occur in young men.
- 70% of developmental and learning disabilities affect boys.
- Men have an increased risk of dying from diabetes.
- Only 30% of a man’s overall health is determined by his genetics; 70% is controllable through lifestyle.
- Inactive men at 60% mopre likely to suffer from depression than those who are active.
- Top 3 reasons for reduced lifespan in men are cardiovascular disease, suicide and motor vehicle accidents.
Mens’ Health Support Services
Lifeline — 13 11 14
Beyond Blue — 1300 224 636
Headspace — 1800 650 890
Mensline Australia — 1300 789 978
Dads in Distress — 1300 853 437