Visit Harbison

Harbison visiting hours are 10:00am until 6:00pm, except for end-of-life visits and Partners in Care.


Conditions of Entry:

  • Visitors must not enter for at least seven (7) days after they test positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
  • We strongly recommend visitors have current vaccination for COVID-19 and influenza.
  • Visitors must comply with registration at the visitor screening kiosk.
  • You will not be permitted to enter Harbison if you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms.
  • RAT kits are available for those who need them.


Virtual Visits

Virtual Visits are available for those who wish to keep in touch you their loved ones remotely.

  • We can support video, phone call or social app visits by providing a photo or computer tablet to the resident
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Please book your Virtual Visit here
    • Choose Moss Vale or Burradoo site
    • Choose your preferred date
    • Choose your preferred time


Resident Email

We invite you to send messages to our residents using the following email addresses. Write a poem, tell a story, share a joke… We look forward to hearing from you!

If you wish to send an email to a specific resident, please be sure to include their name in the subject line.